JOR Committee

Committee Charge
The purpose of the Journal of Reinsurance is to encourage the exchange of ideas and to disseminate educational information for the benefit and betterment of the IRUA membership and the reinsurance community at large.

Continuously published for almost three decades, it is published three or four times annually as the quality of content is more important than the number of annual editions.  Focused on issues confronting the reinsurance community in today’s complex environment, the Journal of Reinsurance applies the best research and practices to the strategic challenges and operating problems of today’s environment.  The Journal of Reinsurance is designed to keep reinsurance and insurance underwriters, insurance company executives, brokers, regulators, academicians, and those interested in reinsurance abreast of developments which will impact on reinsurers and the reinsurance market.

The members of the Committee will assist the Association staff in planning editorial policy and direction; will suggest ideas for articles and authors; will provide technical expertise on issues affecting the industry; will review questionable advertising submissions for acceptance or rejection; and will help plan the publication’s editorial calendar.

Uniquely for the IRUA, the JOR benefits from having an Industry Advisory Panel comprised of attorneys, arbitrators, consultants and academicians who work with the Committee on considering topics and sourcing articles of interest to IRUA members and the JOR subscribers.


  1. The committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the editor and association staff in matters relating to publication of the Journal of Reinsurance.
  2. The committee shall provide guidance in establishing editorial policy and long-term goals for the Journal of Reinsurance. These policies and goals shall be periodically reviewed and revised as needed to ensure that the publication continually meets the needs of Intermediaries & Reinsurance Underwriters Association members.
  3. The committee shall assist the editor as needed with technical advice pertaining to the review, acceptance, or rejection of articles submitted for publication. The committee shall review submissions as requested by the editor.
  4. The committee shall keep abreast of trends in the industry that would be of interest to readers, and make suggestions for topics or themes to be pursued by the editor.
  5. The committee shall assist the editor in actively soliciting articles of interest to readers from members, nonmembers, and other publications as appropriate, forwarding these articles to the editor for publication consideration.
  6. The editor and association staff shall have final authority with regard to production and content of the Journal of Reinsurance.
  7. If substantial changes to a submitted article are required, the editor shall obtain the author’s approval of the changes before publication.
  8. The committee shall assist the editor and association staff in other areas as requested in order to provide the association with the best possible publication.
  9. The committee shall meet as deemed necessary by the editor and chair of the committee.

To request an article from the Journal of Reinsurance, email

